What is Prosperity?
Outlining the elements that make a prosperous nation and a prosperous life

Prosperity Index 2023
Measuring how prosperity is forming and changing across the world

Pathways to Prosperity
Understanding the ways that nations build their pathways to prosperity

Prosperity Around the World
Diagnosing the challenges and opportunities for individual nations on their pathways to prosperity

It looks like you’re visiting us from United States, ranked 19th on the 2023 Legatum Prosperity Index
explore your country on the prosperity globe > Or, click here to see a full list of countriesThe Prosperity Institute exists to promote the prosperity of individuals, families, communities and nations.
Prosperity is much more than money or wealth, it is about growth, opportunity, freedom and responsibility. History reveals the foundations of prosperity which are the beliefs, values, culture and traditions that create virtuous people, trust-based societies and strong nations. By understanding what has worked before, we can thoughtfully apply ancient wisdom to modern challenges, translating sound principles into better institutions and policies.
Learn more about the Prosperity Institute